Safe abortion Welkom
Providing access to safe abortion and post-abortion care is at the core of our mission.
I just found out that I am pregnant, what are my options?
- You have three options when facing an unplanned pregnancy. abortion You can carry the pregnancy to term and raise a child yourself. You can continue with the pregnancy and place the child for adoption or in foster care, or you can choose to have an abortion to terminate the pregnancy. You must take the time to consider all of your options and discuss the issue with your partner, a friend or a family member (if you feel safe and comfortable doing so). Ultimately the decision of whether or not to continue with the pregnancy should be yours.
What safe abortion options are there?
- There are two options available to you which are the Medical Process you can do it at home use pills to abort and clean i.e the safe abortion pill (1-12 weeks) and Abortion (12-20 weeks).
What if I’m not sure I’m pregnant?
- You must do home pregnant urine test as well as a pregnancy test of your choice or ultrasound to confirm if you are pregnant and, if so, the stage of the pregnancy then after make choice to terminate.
At what age is it legal to have an abortion?
- The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act states that a women can have an abortion at any age- you should never be denied the service because of your age. If you’re young still its your right to do termination consulting parents is not required but u can if you want it.
Can I get an abortion pills any time i need it if I want to use at home any place with in South Africa?
- Yes, we can assist women from anywhere in the South Africa. If you are travelling from another country, we may be able to provide you with the option of the Medical Process as it requires here and do it with in south Africa where the law allows you to terminate your pregnancy.
What will happen during my pregnancy termination?
- You will have a consultation with a nurse via what,s app or at our branch who will explain your options to you. She or he will take your medical history; it is important to be honest and disclose a full history; your confidentiality is assured. She or he will then explain the best options to use including to determine the stage of your pregnancy. If you are more than 12 weeks pregnant, your procedure will need more dosage to use so that it can happen same day.
Why do you only start offering abortions at 1 week?
- Before 1 weeks, pregnancy can be difficult to detect on a scan or by doing a physical exam. Sometimes even at 2 or 3 weeks, a pregnancy can be too small to detect on a scan, so we make abortion use pills it flushes all inside your womb if its early stage.
Why do you stop offering abortions at 20 weeks?
- The law which governs abortion in South Africa restricts procedures at 20 weeks except in some cases where there is a threat to the woman’s abortion. South Africa government is only allow to provide abortion services for up to 20 weeks on your own choice.
Safe Abortion Pills: What are the differences?
- Medical Process abortion, sometimes referred to as the safe abortion pill, uses pills/tablets to terminate a pregnancy. The first set of tablets is taken orally just under tongue, and the second set is insert inside your vagina. Early Medical abortion (4-12 weeks) by use of Pills This is a very quick and simple procedure that takes less than 4hrs. The Medical abortion (12- 20 weeks) is a Medical procedure where the pregnancy is use pills to terminate but takes a bit longer.
Which option is better?
- Neither option is better than the other- it’s a question of both personal choice and medical history that will determine the method that is best for you. Some women say they prefer to finish the procedure in one day which is batter it takes minimally 4hrs to get your periods back; others feel that the medical process more suits their lifestyle.
How do I know which option(s) I am eligible for?
- Once the stage of your pregnancy is confirmed you’ll be asked some questions about your medical history- it’s important to provide all of the relevant information requested (i.e. if you have a blood disorder like anaemia or deep vein thrombosis).
What if I have had a cesarean section?
- Your eligibility for the Medical Process may be affected by previous pregnancies and deliveries. It will depend on how many cesarean sections you have had and how recently and how many weeks is your pregnancy so batter early than late stage.
When can I have sex again after an abortion?
- We advise that you do not have vaginal intercourse or insert anything into your vagina for one week or Two weeks as abortion made the womb to re organize need to start having sex after 3 weeks or a month.
Can I fall pregnant after an abortion? How soon after?
- You can conceive again as early as one week after an abortion so, it’s important to talk to your boy friend to use condom, or method that’s right for you for contraceptive.
What if I think I’m still pregnant after the abortion?
- In around 1% of medical processes the pregnancy may continue even after taking the medication. If you have continued symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea, vomiting or breast tenderness you should contact our Client Services centre 0781173356. A positive pregnancy test 2 to 3 weeks after your process began does not indicate a continued pregnancy. This may just be caused by the pregnancy hormones still in your system. If the pregnancy is continuing after the Using Medical Abortion Pills, Medical Process we will provide you another dosage and do it again.
When can I travel after my abortion?
- You can travel as soon as you feel well enough to after the procedure but we do not recommend the for women who are travelling a significant distance (by air or water).
What if I started an abortion at home.
- Because abortion pills is safe to use by your self at home if you are already in the process of an abortion we recommend you to keep on contacting us for more explanation of your situation If you have purchased “abortion pills” from us contact us for safe abortion information 0781173356.